The Experience Ecosystem:

A 1-Week Audit Workshop to Build a Seamless Consumer Journey

Repotting a well-loved plant and giving it room to grow.




When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment for which it grows, not the flower.”

Every flower has its own seasons, just like your business. Whether you’ve just sown the seeds or your roots are outgrowing your pot, you might feel your efforts could be more efficient or require a complete overhaul. Our Website and Marketing audits are designed to evaluate all your consumer-facing touchpoints, including your website, copy, social media, email marketing, and the consumer journey.

I believe in crafting websites that are integral parts of a broader consumer journey. This ecosystem encompasses every touchpoint and interaction with your brand, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience from start to finish. By considering the entire consumer journey, we create websites that drive increased conversions, foster brand loyalty, and differentiate your brand in the market.

get clarity with the experience ecosystem workshop



This is for you if

  • You’ve outgrown your current site: You feel limited by your current website’s capabilities and know it’s time for an upgrade to support your growing business.

  • Your site or marketing is not performing as anticipated: Despite your efforts, your website and marketing strategies aren’t delivering the desired results, leaving you frustrated and unsure of the next steps.

  • You feel your efforts are scattered and disorganized: Managing multiple platforms and touchpoints has become overwhelming, leading to a fragmented consumer journey and inconsistent brand experience.

  • You’re unsure where to start with your marketing efforts: With so many options available, you’re confused about where to focus your marketing efforts to achieve the best results.

  • You’re overwhelmed by the number of platforms for your business: The sheer number of tools and platforms available makes it difficult to choose the right ones, causing inefficiency and stress.

  • You’re not quite sure what you need in your new site: You recognize the need for a new website but feel uncertain about the features and functionalities that will best support your business goals.

  • You don’t like that your store looks like a typical Shopify site: You want a unique and customized design that sets your store apart from others on Shopify.

  • You’re struggling to build a community of loyal customers: Despite your efforts, building a strong and engaged customer base feels challenging and elusive.

  • You’re finding it hard to drive traffic to your site: Your attempts to attract visitors aren’t yielding the expected results, and you need effective strategies to increase organic traffic.


 Nearly 85% of potential customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience, while over 80% of existing customers are more likely to purchase again when the experience is positive—reducing the customer acquisition cost.

get clarity

Introducing the Experience Ecosystem Audits

what we uncover

  • Providing a clear, optimized path for your customers, enhancing their overall experience and engagement.

  • Identifying key areas for improvement and creating a detailed, actionable growth plan.

  • Streamlining your marketing efforts and ensuring every touchpoint aligns with your brand’s ethos.

  • Equipping you with the insights and strategies needed to drive conversions and foster customer loyalty.

  • Simplifying platform management, reducing complexity, and increasing efficiency.

get clarity with the experience ecosystem workshop




  • Kick-off Meeting: We start with a thorough consultation to understand your business goals, challenges, and current state of your consumer journey.

    Data Collection: You’ll provide access to your existing website, marketing materials, and analytics so we can gather all necessary data for the audit.


  • Consumer Journey Mapping: We analyze every touchpoint your customers interact with, from their first encounter with your brand to post-purchase follow-ups, identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement.

    Website Design and User Experience Evaluation: We assess the cohesiveness of your website’s design and functionality, providing specific recommendations to enhance user experience and satisfaction.

    Email Marketing Effectiveness: We review your current email marketing strategies, focusing on personalization and engagement, and suggest improvements to boost customer retention and repeat purchases.

    Platform Utilization Analysis: We ensure you’re fully leveraging Shopify’s features and capabilities to optimize performance and simplify management.

    Operational Efficiency Assessment: We identify inefficiencies in your operations and suggest ways to streamline processes and reduce complexity.

    Traffic and Conversion Strategy Development: We analyze your current traffic sources and conversion rates, developing strategies to drive more organic traffic and convert visitors into loyal customers.


  • Detailed report highlighting key insights, areas for improvement, and specific recommendations.

    Review the tailored growth plan that outlines actionable steps to enhance your consumer journey, optimize your website, and improve overall marketing effectiveness.